Service d'affûtage manuel haut de gamme

Notre aiguisage est un art.

Nous aiguisons les couteaux de cuisine à l'aide d'au moins cinq pierres à aiguiser, y compris des pierres naturelles, quelle que soit la marque. Forts de l'expertise et des compétences éprouvées par Ichimonji, l'une des meilleures marques de couteaux de cuisine du Japon, nous aiguisons méticuleusement votre couteau à la main. Notre finition à clapet, qui exige précision et expérience, garantit à la fois netteté et durabilité. Nous évaluons soigneusement l'état de chaque couteau et aiguisons en conséquence à l'aide de différentes pierres à aiguiser. Découvrez une netteté inégalée et améliorez vos compétences culinaires grâce à nos services d'affûtage professionnels.
1 jour
Cela prend moins d'une journée
pour affûter
5 pierres
Plus de 5 pierres à aiguiser
à utiliser
Affûtage à la main
Nous aiguisons à la main
selon la méthode traditionnelle japonaise
Finition miroir
La surface aiguisée
se reflète comme un miroir

Affûtage manuel haut de gamme selon la méthode japonaise traditionnelle

Nous aiguisons les couteaux de cuisine selon la méthode japonaise traditionnelle, en utilisant au moins cinq pierres à aiguiser, y compris des pierres naturelles. Nous commençons par sélectionner les pierres à aiguiser les plus adaptées parmi plus de 20 options de haute qualité adaptées au couteau spécifique. Notre aiguiseur, fort de nombreuses années d'expérience et d'une formation intensive dispensée par l'un des meilleurs aiguiseurs d'Ichimonji, garantit précision et excellence. Avec la confiance d'Ichimonji, il fournit des services de soins spécialisés aux utilisateurs en Europe et au Royaume-Uni, représentant ainsi la marque qui applique les normes de qualité les plus élevées.

Service d'affûtage le jour même

Notre service d'affûtage le jour même est disponible pour les entreprises d'Amsterdam possédant plus de 5 couteaux et de Rotterdam, d'Utrecht ou de La Haye avec 10 couteaux ou plus. Il vous suffit de nous contacter pour prendre rendez-vous. Nous viendrons chez vous avec du matériel d'emballage et un étui de sécurité pour récupérer vos couteaux. Nous pouvons également fournir des couteaux de remplacement lors de l'enlèvement jusqu'à ce que nous restituions vos couteaux aiguisés plus tard le même jour. Pour plus de détails et les conditions, voir ci-dessous.

Organigramme pour le service d'affûtage

1. Remplissez le formulaire ou contactez-nous via WhatsApp

Complétez le formulaire ci-dessous et soumettez-le. Vous pouvez également nous envoyer un message sur WhatsApp avec une photo de vos couteaux de cuisine à aiguiser.

2. Recevez votre devis

Nous évaluerons l'état de vos couteaux et confirmerons le prix. Si vous êtes satisfait du devis, procédez au paiement.

3. Envoyez-nous vos couteaux

Emballez les couteaux en toute sécurité et envoyez-les nous. Reportez-vous à la vidéo pour les instructions d'expédition. Pour les clients d'Amsterdam, un service de ramassage et de livraison en personne le jour même est disponible pour plus de 5 couteaux.

4. Nous aiguisons votre couteau à la main

W ‍ e aiguise vos couteaux avec le plus grand soin. Cela prend généralement 1 à 2 jours.

5. Nous vous renvoyons vos couteaux

Nous emballerons les couteaux en toute sécurité et les expédierons à votre adresse.

Knives that we do not sharpen

There are certain types of kitchen knives that we do not sharpen. These include:
-Knives with inward curves
-Knives made from extremely hard materials
-Knives with blades longer than 40 cm (excluding the handle)

For specific examples of knives we do not sharpen, please refer to the detailed list below.

Serrated blade
eg. bread knife
Special materials
eg. ZDP, ceramic, any material over 65HRC appoximately
Inwardly curved blades
eg. peeling knife

If you are unsure whether your knives qualify for our sharpening service, please send us a photo of the knives via WhatsApp for clarification.

Blades not exclusively for cooking


Please note the following:
-Hand sharpening may result in some scratch marks on the blade. See photos of before and after below.
-Some kitchen knives have coatings on the surface and sharpening will scratch off the coatings.
-If you use a hard chopping board, we recommend Western finish for long-lasting sharpness as well as durability.
-Even with Western finish, avoid hitting the edge roughly on the chopping board to maintain sharpness. We do not refund for chipping.
-On the part of the blade sharpened, which refer to as mirror finish, you see fine lines of the mark. Therefore, if your knife is mirror finished by the manufacturer, the sharpened part does not look as the mirror part. See the photos of the sharpened knives below.
-Additional charges may apply for blades with significant chipping.
-If you send us knives that we do not sharpen, we will return them to your address.
-If you're unsure about anything, contact us via WhatsApp with a photo of the knife.
Complaints arising from ignoring the cautions will not be considered. See this page for general knife maintenance.

Form for Sharpening Service

Please fill out the form below for our sharpening service. We will calculate the cost and send you a quote. For an estimate, refer to the price table. Your sharpening request is confirmed once payment is completed.
If you're unsure whether your kitchen knives qualify for our service, feel free to inquire via WhatsApp with a photo of your knives.

Japanese Finish: Features the thinnest and sharpest clamshell edge (see below about clamshell edge), ideal for precise cuts.
Western Finish: Thicker and tougher to prevent chipping, providing durability yet far sharper than machine sharpening.
If you prioritize blade toughness, opt for the Western finish. BOTH OF THEM ARE SHARPENED BY HAND
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Double edged, Western finish
Double edged, Japanese finish
Single edged blades and Japanese knives
The price for sharpening varies based on the blade type, length, and desired finish.
Repair charges apply for the deformed blades or ones with large chipping.
Double edge refers to the blade ordinary Western knives have. Single edge is common among Japanese knives.
If you don't know which type your knife is, you can just skip filling out or send us a photo of the knife via WhatsApp.

What's so special about our hand sharpening
and how we do it

At Tohg, we pride ourselves on providing a sharpening service that stands out from the rest. Unlike most, we hand sharpen kitchen knives, allowing for precise control and the creation of the coveted clamshell edge. This technique enhances both sharpness and durability, ideal for those seeking uncompromising precision.

1. Meticulous Process:

We carefully evaluate the knife's condition.
Determine the optimal sharpening and finishing method.
Whetstone Selection:
Choose from over 20 high-quality stones tailored to your knife's material and desired finish.
Sharpening Steps:
-Reform the blade for an ideal curve.
-Thin the edge using 200-400 grit whetstones.
-Smooth the surface to eliminate deep scratches with 1000-2000 grit stones.
-Perform middle sharpening with 3000-8000 grit stones to form the clamshell edge.
-Finalize the sharpening with natural whetstones or 8000-12000 grit stones.

2. Premium Materials:
We use only the finest Japanese whetstones, ensuring exceptional quality and performance.

3. Expert Craftsmanship:
Our skilled sharpener, trained by top expert at Ichimonji, bring years of experience to every knife, providing care and precision unmatched in the industry.

4. Superior Results:
Precision and Durability:

Our hand-sharpened knives offer unparalleled sharpness and longevity, maintaining a superior edge over machine-sharpened blades.
Attention to Detail:
The clamshell finish, a mark of true craftsmanship, cannot be achieved with machine sharpening, which often distorts the blade's edge.

5. Long-Term Value:
the sharpness of the kitchen knives we sharpen lasts extensively longer, making our service cost-efficient in the long term.

While our service is more time-consuming and costly, the investment is well worth it. Experience the unparalleled sharpness and durability of a knife sharpened by Tohg, and elevate your culinary skills to new heights.

Secondary Edge
Razor Edge
Clamshell Edge

The edge of the blade is thick, preventing itself from entering ingredients smoothly. Most kitchen have this edge in the beginning.

An extremely thin edge, making the blade very sharp but also quite brittle and prone to chipping.

The curved cutting edge maintains a thick blade while tapering to a thin, sharp endpoint. This design ensures both sharpness and excellent durability, providing a balance between cutting efficiency and longevity.

Japanese Honba- Clamshell edge finish

"Honba," meaning "true blade" in Japanese, refers to a thinner sharpening finish favored by professionals who demand uncompromising sharpness. As shown in the photos below, the honba finish enhances sharpness by thinning the blade.
However, even with clamshell finish this increased sharpness also makes the blade more brittle. Therefore we recommend the honba finish for those skilled in maintaining a sharp edge, such as using soft chopping boards and proper cutting techniques.

Before and After

Why Choose Our Service?

See the differences between our service and others

Ordinary Sharpening Service

Our Hand-sharpening Service

Uses machines, causing unnecessary reduction in knife size
Minimal reduction in blade size due to precise hand sharpening
Keeps the edge thick
Thins the blade for enhanced sharpness while maintaining durability
Dulls quickly
Longer-lasting sharpness, reducing the frequency of service needed
Leaves scratch marks
Mirror-finished sharpened surface
Takes long to complete, leaving you without a knife
Takes just a day (same-day sharpening with substitute knives available in Amsterdam)

Before and After Sharpening and Cleaning
